Interview with Dr. Francesca Torriani
Sept. 20th, 2006
FT: The muscle is not moving in the right way and is not keeping up, because you have compression of the nerve that innervating that muscle.

DK: So you are thinking there just hasn’t been enough time for the muscle to rebuild?

FT: Right, the muscle to rebuild will take, I think, probably a year.

DK: Ok. So what are the things that have improved since you have been getting adjusted, what are you noticing that is better?

FT: The pain, basically is 99% gone. The tingling, which I had in my small finger, in my index and thumb, I’d say is 90% gone.

DK: Good.

FT: This was pain that was not only tingling but also this kind of a persistent ache, like a bony ache, and it’s gone basically, and that really is a big improvement.

DK: Good. Really good. You are a medical doctor and you have your understanding of the body and health. If someone were listening to this who has never been to a chiropractor, doesn’t understand it, how would you explain to them, what is chiropractic actually doing, what is taking place, and how does that change the body?

FT: My vertebrae are not straight. They are kind of all a little bit on one side or on the other side, and that will cause in the end not only acute pinching of the nerves or compression of the nerves, it will also cause contraction of muscles and changing all the joint facets of the spine.

Pain is just a symptom. Pain is just telling you that there is something that is not working. With long term compression you will also have loss of function and if you have loss of function you have atrophy of the muscles because they are not being innervated. Loss of function, not only pain are symptoms of a disease. Now what you do with your chiropractic skills, is that you realign the spine.

It will improve this compression of the nerves and on the long run if you continue realigning the spine and putting it back then all these muscles and joints that are kind of now out of whack, get realigned. It helps for the muscles also to regain the shape and the function that they have lost over the years. There’s not only muscle and nerves but there’s also ligaments. These ligaments also get pulled in different ways.

By realigning at every session you break these places where there is inflammation, where there are adhesions that shouldn’t be there and so that helps realign and takes away the pressure and helps that equilibrium go back to where it should be.

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Dr. David Klein
Seaside Chiropractic

5668 La Jolla Blvd.
La Jolla, California

Phone 858-459-3132

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