Interview with Dr. Francesca Torriani
FT: About a year and a half ago I noticed pain in my right
shoulder, which evolved during the day and worsened making
me seek diagnostic procedures and a visit to my primary
care physician. This was diagnosed as a frozen shoulder,
a condition without really an explanation and treated with
anti-inflammatory’s, without success.
The pain over last
summer, summer 2005, was so severe that I would have to
sleep on my left side with a cushion to elevate my arm.
It would impact my sleep and thus my functionality. It
also, by the end of the summer, started radiating in my
right forearm. It came with a limitation of movement in
extension, in catching objects behind me, like helping
my son in the back of the car. That would hurt, and also
I wouldn’t be able to do some movements, dropping objects
when I was cooking.
That motivated a second visit to my
primary care physician. The x-rays were negative. Then
there was a visit to an orthopedic surgeon who confirmed
the diagnosis of a frozen shoulder, who sent me for MRI’s
of the shoulder which were not diagnostic and prompted me
to physical therapy which was extremely painful, with no
improvement. That was followed by one injection in the
shoulder that relieved some of the pain. Also, the
thickness and strength of the muscles of my hand and
fingers, (the palm of my hand and my right fifth finger)
were noticeably decreased. Therefore that prompted the
orthopedic surgeon to ask for an MRI of the spine which
showed some pinching of the nerves in the cervical spine.
That led to a visit with one of our pain faculty, because
the orthopedic spine surgeon deemed that surgery would
not be helpful at this time.
The pain specialist, one
of our faculty gave me the choice of an injection of
steroids in the spine and/or chiropractic care.
I basically chose to do both, the epidural injection
of steroids, but first to go to the chiropractor. Dr.
Wallace directed me to you.
DK: Fantastic. Mark Wallace sent you to see us. Then
before you had the injections you got adjusted, is that
the correct sequence?
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