June 14, 2006
David Klein, DC
Seaside Chiropractic
Dear David,
          It has been over 5 years since
I have been referring patients
to you for the treatment of chronic pain and I want to express my gratitude for
the care you
have provided my patients. In addition, as patients of yours, I have witnessed first hand
the value of chiropractic care for me and my family. I have a long history of chronic
back and neck pain and your treatments have almost eliminated this problem. My son has
frequent headaches, a problem that runs on both side of his family, and your treatments
have significantly decreased the frequency of the headaches. He looks forward to his
weekly adjustments and highly respects you as a person and doctor.
          The most striking observation I have made is how successful
we have been in integrating allopathic treatments with chiropractic treatment for
chronic pain. This is truly a milestone as traditional allopathic medicine has largely
shunned chiropractic medicine. There is a movement toward “evidence based medicine”
in the field of medicine. Interestingly, many of the therapies we use in allopathic
medicine for the treatment of chronic pain have no more scientific evidence than
chiropractic care and in some cases there is less evidence. Yet doctors continue
to prescribe these therapies and deny many patients the value of chiropractic care.
          Evidence based medicine is important to the advancement
of both allopathic and chiropractic medicine. However there are also dangers in that
evidence based medicine forgets that we are dealing with humans and it takes the
intuition and art out of our professions. I am impressed that you are constantly
striving to look for the “evidence” in your field as you always provide me with the
most current literature on chiropractic care. However, in the same breath,
you do not forget the human nature that we deal with on a daily basis and never
give up the intuition and art of your practice. This is a very admirable
          There are many patients that cannot be
helped with allopathic
medicine and likewise, there are many patients that cannot be helped with chiropractic
However, I feel that the two fields working together will be more effective in reaching
successful outcomes. I am a living example of this. I had a herniated disc in my neck
causing pain in my neck and numbness and weakness in my left arm.
I waited 9 months before I sought care from you.
With just a few treatments, my neck pain disappeared and my arm numbness and weakness was
dramatically reduced. However, I had some residual numbness in my arm and d
ecided to have
an epidural steroid injection. My symptoms then completely resolved.
The treatment effects were about 80% from chiropractic care and 20% from allopathic.
But the end result was 100% resolution.
          I look forward to our continuing collaboration in treating
pain patients. Also, my family and I look forward to your continued care. Thank you.
Mark S. Wallace, MD
Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology
Program Director, Center for Pain and Palliative Medicine
University of California, San Diego
Click Here to see scan of original letter.