Bones by Seilesh


Bones are organs made up of osteocyte cells, nerves and blood vessels. Bones have both inorganic and organic constituents. The bones in the human body are very strong, and can withstand many stresses and strains exerted by daily activities like running, jumping, lifting weights and much more. In addition, bones take the weight of the entire human body, making it one of the strongest substances on earth! And yet, the bones are light enough not to make us fall flat on our faces while walking, and enable us to withstand the force of gravity.

Anatomically, bones are composed of periosteum, compact layer, cancellous tissue and bone marrow. The periosteum is a thin membrane that is made of nerves and blood vessels. The cancellous bone is a spongy tissue that provides elasticity to the bone tissue. The bone marrow is the core of the bone. Blood cells are created by the bone marrow.

The adult human body has 206 bones, while at birth, the human baby has 300 bones. So what happens to the rest of the bones while the baby grows up? The answer is- the bones fuse together till only 206 bones are left. This is not all, while the baby bones are made of soft cartilage, it is slowly replaced by harder calcium compounds as he grows up.

The major bones of the body are spine, ribs, skull and the limb bones. The joints are also a kind of bone, and act as the connector between two larger bones. The spine runs along the center of the back and you can easily feel it if you run your fingers down your back. The spine protects your back, especially the vital spinal cord, a collection of nerves that regulate many body processes. The spine is made up of 33 smaller bones called vertebrae. Each of the vertebrae has a hole in the center through which the spinal cord runs. The vertebrae are cushioned by disks made of cartilage. Sometimes, due to stress or strain, one of the vertebrae moves out of alignment. This puts pressure on the spinal cord nerves, leading to disruption of the functions of the body. This can be rectified through chiropractic, which involves bringing the vertebrae back into place through non surgical means.

The ribs, like the spine, also have a protective function. They form a cage around vital organs like heart and lungs. Generally, humans have 12 pairs of ribs, though a few may have a pair extra or a pair less. The opposing rib pairs are attached by a bone called sternum (breast bone) in the front of the chest, and to the spine in the back. The last two pairs are floating, and don’t attach to the sternum.

The skull is also crucial since it forms a protective box around the brain. The base of the skull has a hole that fits on the first vertebrae of the spine, thus connecting the brain to the spinal cord.

Apart from these important bones, the other bones in the body are the bones of the hands and legs that are together known as the limbs. The hands are made of three bones- the humerus, radius and ulna. Some of the bones, like the wrist bones, are very small and this helps you in twisting and rotating your wrists in many directions. The legs are attached to the pelvic bone that protects the important organs of the lower body, including the digestive and reproductive system. The leg bones are the femur, the tibia, and the fibula. The ankles, toes and feet are made of many smaller bones that make it easy for you to walk erect, jump and run.

The bones of the body are crucial when it comes to locomotion, movement and protection of vital organs. Care should be taken not to put too much strain on them, and to have a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus to help keep bones healthy. If you take care of your bones, you can avoid many problems like slipped disc, shoulder dislocation, joint pains and inflammation.

Medical Professors' Opinions

Dr. David Klein
Seaside Chiropractic

5668 La Jolla Blvd.
La Jolla, California

Phone 858-459-3132

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