Good-Bye Derek MacBay student! Hello Derek MacBay Chiropractor!

A few years back, Derek MacBay worked in our San Diego Seaside Chiropractic office. He was a fun and enthusiastic addition to our office and everybody loved him. Yesterday I received an announcement and it hit me emotionally, much harder than I expected it would. It was the announcement that Derek had graduated from Chiropractic…

San Diego Car Accident Info

If you have been in a San Diego car accident, you can at least be comforted by the fact that approximately 1 out of 8 people in San Diego are in an auto accident each year. After doing approximately 700,000 chiropractic adjustments I would say that at least half of the treatment I do is…

Pulstar Robot In Our San Diego Chiropractic Office

Lately I have had many questions regarding our new chiropractic robot. Here’s a posting to explain how it works. The thing is called a Pulstar. It has something called a straingauge in it. A straingauge is an engineering tool that you use to press on an object and measure how many pounds of force of…

Current State of San Diego Chiropractic

In San Diego today, there is probably the highest concentration of chiropractors to individuals of just about any place on the planet. It is an interesting state because there are many, many people, but there is a high ratio of chiropractors to individuals. One would think then that the chiropractors of San Diego would be…

Learning The Pulstar For San Diego Use

Most of last week I was at an Internet conference in Vegas. Then on Saturday there was another conference in Vegas on the Pulstar adjusting tool. We will be integrating this into our San Diego Chiropractic office over the upcoming months. This thing is amazing. A few years ago I first came across this concept…

Finding out how to be Number 1 in Google for San Diego Chiropractic

My purpose is to help as many people as possible. It always has been, and always will be. It is what defines me. For most of my life, the main way I helped was with people’s bodies. I have also helped people with their minds. I have also helped people with all kinds of other…


If you had stood on shore and watched it you might of said it was a foot or two less, but on it I could see. It was taller than I was. The waves had been different today. Mild on the take off, almost too mild, and then when the wave got close enough to…