FireStorm 2007 Chiropractic Roundup!

This is a directory to the posts I have made over the past week about the FireFighters I had the pleasure of dealing with. Please forgive the fun loving irreverent attitude of the posts, but that was the attitude exhibited by the fire fighters and it was contagious.

Dr. Klein and a group of proud fire fighters
It brought me back into my old ocean lifeguard state of mind. These guys were afraid of nothing, and risking their lives and having the time of their life while they did it. They were a grand example of the way to live ones life, full speed, laughing, full of love and appreciation. Thank you guys for one of the best weeks of my life!!!!!!This page will be updated with links to new pages I create related to the fire.

The adventure on Monday of Roseanna and I delivering chiropractic to fire fighters in Poway at the firehouses and having to retreat from the fire. We later found out at the last firehouse we were within 100 yards of the flames 🙂 It also has pictures of use getting stuck in evacuation traffic.

Tuesday’s adventure going beyond the road blocks and checkpoints into the evacuated area in Rancho Bernardo to deliver chiropractic to the firefighters at the command post at the Longs Drugs parking lot. This was the day we we were told they had a food supply problem.

Wednesdays adventure going back to the Longs drugs Rancho Bernardo command center, delivering the fresh squeezed juice and power bars my wife bought, and giving chiropractic to the fire fighters. This is also the first we saw of the National Guard.

Wednesday nights adventure with my wife delivering around 70 Chipotle burritos to the San Diego firefighters in the dark of night, and adjusting people in the park who I could not even see, and our first stop at the full on FireCamp city at Kit Carson Park.

Thursday’s trip with a small army to Kit Carson FireCamp to deliver 700 bottles of Naked Juice and giving chiropractic adjustments to firefighters from all over the western U.S. We also were filmed and photographed by the media, got to meet secret service guys preparing for the presidents visit to Kit Carson park, and even got a photo of me with a bomb sniffing dog.

This is a huge Thank You to Kevin Kupper, the Pacific Beach Chipotle, and the Poway Chipotle for their huge donation of 70 burritos for the firefighters of FireStorm 2007.

This is a thank you letter to Naked Juice for their instant donation of 720 bottles of juice when the firefighters desperately needed fresh healthy food.

I have around 400 photos from the entire event and a bunch of video. I will be publishing more of it in the upcoming days. I am going to use this as the navigation page to the other pages.

There is also a message from one of the firefighters that I promised to publish that will be put on in the not too far future.

I also will be posting some ideas for low cost improvements that can be made to support the fire fighters better in the future.

Much Love,

Dr. David Klein

5 Replies to “FireStorm 2007 Chiropractic Roundup!”

  1. This whole idea and operation was a great thing and helped a group of people that I am glad recieved some extra attention

  2. Amazing work DK!!! It is people like you that make the world a happier place. Your help to all your patients and the firefighters is greatly appreciated.

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