A few weeks ago I saw bunch of weird bugs climbing all over our patio. They looked like this.

Then a little while later my wife went outside and said “Hey what the heck is this? and we found all kinds of things. I studied them a while and realized that after the above guy, they turn into this.

They then make a cocoon like this, (the guy who was inside has obviously left).

I am not sure, but I think this next picture may be one of the guys on their way out. At least he could afford San Diego Real Estate!

The next four pictures are of one of the guys we found after they had gotten out of their houses. You can probably start to see what they were.




and then I am still now sure if they just cook in the sun, or if the other one was a weird albino, but I don’t think so. So here is the final result after baking in the San Diego sun.

So I learned a lot more about Ladybugs than I used to! They might be called lady bugs, but I think it is ladybugs. When I have shown these ladybug pictures to people, they get kinda freaked out and think it is some weird scary bug. Then they see they were getting freaked out by ladybugs and then they get kinda confused about why they were getting freaked out earlier. Either way, now I understand ladybugs much better than I used to!
That’s so freackin gross!
P.S: you r a indain
I caught one of those but it didn’t turn into a cocoon yet and I was wondering what type of bug it was! Good thing I found out so Thank You. Your a good expert on Ladybugs!
I don’t think it’s scary. I think it’s cool! My favorite type of bug is a ladybug! P.s I,m a 12 year old girl that Likes to watch bugs and study their behaver!