I have a new experiment!
I am going to try to get some simple help with doing some of the page creation on my site.
I like having control of the formatting of the CSS and HTML.
I only use a few codes, and like to keep it that way for simplicity of understanding.
I am trying to write a list of rules on how I format my pages, not my wordpress ones, but the rest of the site.
Here are the html and css rules I have so far,
I am calling it SHAC for simple html and css.
I am sure I will later find out that SHAC stands for something terrible I am not aware of yet!
If you come across this and read it and would like to give me advice, please comment below. I am by no means an expert on coding. I do insist that nothing goes on my site that I don’t understand.
So feel free to give your input below!
I have just written a blog entry about keeping CSS and HTML simple.
(click on his name above for link.)
Hope it helps,
I’ve done some work with CSS and HTML, if you want some help or critique. You might also want to read about using include files in php or asp. Tweaking CSS for wordpress blogs is a great way to learn. I recommend the O’Reilly CSS Pocket Reference for keeping up with the various style elements and rules.