Well we made it! We spent the morning in the old Carson City Mint, now a museum. Without giving away the finale, make sure to stop there and ask to see what is in the basement. It was one of the coolest low tech things I have ever seen in a museum. It is literally worth the trip there just for that.
My wife skied in Tahoe, and we drove to San Francisco. I have always wondered what it would be like to practice chiropractic in San Francisco, instead of San Diego. Being a San Diego chiropractor is definitely a lot warmer. I also think in San Diego the people are much easier to meet. Being a chiropractor in San Francisco I think would mean it would be harder to meet new people, and I think you would have a lot less space for your office.
Our San Diego chiropractic office is still relatively inexpensive compared to a similar sized office in San Francisco.
Dr. Latch is a San Francisco chiropractic legend, and has helped such a huge number of people in so many ways that it is unbelievable. If you ever have a moment with me, ask me to tell you what I know about him, but bottom line the amount of good he has done for this world will never be able to be fully evaluated by I predict that positive effects this chiropractor has done go far beyond San Francisco, San Diego, and far beyond the next hundred years. So Loyd if you read this, thank you and god bless!